Monday, October 16, 2006

Joan Rivers: Mel Gibson should f***ing die

Coming from one of the more vile creatures that roams the earth; The dreaded" Southwestern Halibut head" which is a mutant form exhibiting the characteristic disproportionately huge mouth and eyes on the side of the head. Common form often the result of 87 consecutive face lifts.

Joan Rivers has said Mel Gibson “should f**king die” after his drunken anti-Semitic comments earlier this year.

Joan told Celebrity Week: “He is an anti-Semitic son of a bitch. He should f–king die.”

“I think he’s in vino veritas” suggesting he speaks his true thoughts when drunk.

She also suggested that people should have boycotted Mel’s interview for Good Morning America this week, calling it hypocritical: “It’s ridiculous because [Diane Sawyer]’ll get great ratings and [Gibson] will be back in business.”

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