Sunday, November 11, 2007

Optimism grows in Iraq

This from the Beeb? Wow, things must really be going well over there.

Is Iraq getting better? The statistics say so, across the board.

Over the past three months, there has been a sharp and sustained drop in all forms of violence. The figures for dead and wounded, military and civilian, have also greatly improved.

All across Baghdad, which has seen the worst of the violence, streets are springing back to life. Shops and restaurants which closed down are back in business.

People walk in crowded streets in the evening, when just a few months ago they would have been huddled behind locked doors in their homes.

More: Ex-Sunni insurgents attack al-Qaeda near Baghdad, killing 18.

Everybody agrees that things are much better.

"Everybody" except the Democrat congressional leadership and the American MSM but, after all, they're usually the last to know anything anyway.

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