Sunday, August 19, 2007

Unwinnable Hill?

The one persistent and unwavering constant since Hillary Clinton announced her intention to become President of the United States is her negatives. Rasmussen presently puts her at 45%Fav-54%Unfav. This has varied little over the last 12 months.

In addition the total % of people who definitely WILL NOT vote for Hillary stands at 48% compared to 28% who would definitely vote for her. Those are unprecedented negatives for presumptive nominee and never has a person even come close to capturing the White House packing such burdesome opposition.

Think about it, Clinton will have to garner an additional 22% of the vote while giving up less than 3% to the opposition to win. Contrast this with Guliani's numbers - thirty-one percent (31%) say they’d definitely vote for Giuliani while 28% say they’d definitely vote against. Even undeclared Thompson who has spent a dime has far better numbers - Twenty-three percent (23%) will definitely vote for Thompson while 31% will defnitely vote against.

Granted it's early and anything can happen between now and election day. That being said it appears barring some monumental change in attitude, any of the top tier Republican candidates could and would beat Hillary.

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