Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Global Warming a scientific fraud says Aussie author

Crikey, it's blasphemy!

Even as a beaming and tuxedoed Al Gore was picking up his Oscar for Best Documentary of the year, greenhouse skeptics were planning to congregate in Canberra, Australia for the release of a new book claiming that environmentalism is the new religion.

In the land of Crocodile Dundee, it is still safe for skeptics to openly congregate, risk of retaliation notwithstanding. In North America, questioning the science of global warming can get you outed by lefty politicians for purportedly being on the payroll of the big oil companies.

Indeed, Evans sees global warming as a scam that has been, "arguably, the most extraordinary example of scientific fraud in the postwar period."

Nine Facts About Climate Change author Ray Evans told The Age in an interview a month ago that Gore's film is "bullshit from beginning to end".

Well put Mr Evans.

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