Friday, January 05, 2007

Saddam execution is stain on America

I have read some superficial, ill thought out and deluded liberal tripe before but this one from Andrew Greeley takes the cake.....

Americans cheered enthusiastically last week for President Ford, who pardoned Richard Nixon. Simultaneously they celebrated the fact that President Bush did not insist on pardoning Saddam Hussein -- in fact didn't even think of it. Those who wanted Nixon behind bars only wanted revenge. Those who wanted to see Saddam attached to a rope just before he died were not seeking revenge.

Go figure.

He was once our man in the Mideast, the Republican Party's man. Indeed American Republican intelligence services provided support for his killing of Kurds and Shiites before the first Gulf War. Should those American leaders who supported such efforts be put on trial and hanged?

So the coverup of a political dirty trick is comparable to the genocide of hundreds of thousands of men woman and children over a forty year period??? There are several legitimate arguments for a life term instead of death for Sadaam but to compare a pardon for Nixon to one for the tyrant is beyond ludicrous. Andrew Greeley is really a pathetic excuse for a journalist.

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